Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunny Sunday

It's a beautiful Sunny Sunday. Been to see mom, then stopped and seen Dad. Dad was putting his onion sets out in the garden. I have laundry started. I was up early and screened 8 sweatshirts. There was about 10 screens per sweatshirt. Took me a good 2 hours to do them. Sure glad that job is done. Now working on officer coats for Tiffin-Sentinel FFA officer team. Mrs. Horner will pick them up when done. Then on to New Riegel FFA polo shirts for their officer team. I am glad I am keeping busy. Guys are out in the fields planting corn. Hope they get a lot done before it rains again. I may get the yard mowed yet. I may even take the puppy and go get ice cream. Enjoy the rest of your day. The top shirt I did for a local baton team for their parent's team.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thankfully Tuesday

Been a weird week and a half. Everything I own that is electronic seems to be breaking. I just got my computer back, they had to replace the hard drive. I have lost everything. So it's like starting all over again. I made a delivery to Fostoria, Ohio today with a order to be delivered. They seemed very pleased. Tomorrow I finish up some FFA orders. Then on to some hats for a tractor club. Yes I am keeping busy and thank GOD everyday for staying this way. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WOW Wednesday

As I have been working on my family genealogy
I ran across this one. It's 4 of dad's sisters and 3 of the brothers.
The family totalled 12 and now down to 5. In front is Jerry (dec.) and Tim Turnbell.
Back row: Ed, Mary Lou Turnbell Noon(dec), Karen Turnbell Barchus(D), Sue Turnbell Varney
and Donna Turnbell Sandford(D). Not sure where this was taken and where dad was.
Been busy all day, not saying I am getting a lot done. Very slow process. I had been emailed some pictures of my Great Great Grandma and her daughter my Great Grandma. Pictures my mom had never seen. So took them up to her. Home to sew and order more products. Had 2 seperate emails today for 2 different orders. Working on getting orders for t-shirts to support MARTY. Working on Schmidt Machine shirts right now for 2 employees. Hope to get them finished tonight then do the 4 coats they ordered also in the morning. A dozen hats are laying here to be cleaned and trimmed and packaged to be delivered. Designed some screens for t-shirts that go with the hats. Ordered some replacement equipment. Nothing slows you down like breakdowns. I hope I have my last one today. That does make the day go slower. Son was to mow the yard when he got off work, but since dad called and need 2 parts for the planter he went to the fields first. The farming does come first. Off to sew some more. Here's to praying I have a better day tomorrow. And remember to include our farmers in your prayers tonight, that they have a safe season. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Terrific Tuesday

It's a lovely day today. Could be a little warmer. Family farmers are in the fields planting corn. Please pray our farmers have a safe season. Went to a meeting last night, it went well. Came home with an order of 5 and half dozen hats. Bid on a couple more jobs today. Bid on Jr. Fair Board t-shirts last week. Still waiting to hear on that one. I thank GOD every day my business is going strong. I am now venturing into making vinyl banners. More information on that later. Our new puppy is so spoiled already, but that's ok. She is awfully sweet. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Finally Friday

It's finally Friday. It's been a weird week for me. Had a flare up of my fibro so now I am really behind. Just finished an order of hats today. Doing up laundry. Grilled chicken out tonight. It was very good. I am currently doing t-shirts for my cousin Marty Turnbell, he is only 37 and is waiting to be on the heart transplant list. He has 3 young children and needs all the prayers he and his family can get. I am doing the t-shirts for $12 each with each shirt sold $3 goes back to Marty and his family. My goal is to give them a check for $500 or more. I appreciate all the help everyone has already given to this family.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Weird Wednesday

Here it is middle of the week once again. April is just flying by. Soon will be farming season and the tractors will be rolling. Thank God for our farmers. Working on the back of KemoSabe's hats today. It is a great restaurant in Fostoria, Oh. Ordered to separate orders of coats today. Thank you to all who keep me busy. Hopefully once I get caught up, I have something new to embroidery; so stay tuned.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Today is a beautiful Sunday, Easter Sunday in fact. Lunch is over and time to relax with the family. May start a cross stitch picture later or cut things out to be sewn up this week. Yesterday I screen printed 60 shirts for Tiffin Sentinel FFA. Plus worked on some towels. I did the first letter of the girls name, appliqued the fabric down and then machine embroidered the girls name with another color of thread right thru the capital letter. Turned out very cute. I was pleased with the sew out. I gave them to a friend to give to her two nieces for Easter. Hung laundry out yesterday also. It was that nice of a day. More screen printed shirts tomorrow and finish two orders of hats up. Then order two batches of jackets. Thank you all for doing business with me. Have a great Easter.